Restaurant Matryoshka

Different kinds of borshch, herring, and sturgeon, managed by Vlad Piskunov. Vlad is not just an excellent chef, but a historian and popularizer of Russian cuisine, an author of a book on this subject, and the overall master of pirozhki and salted milk mushrooms. Curious visitors from the other countries, parents, and grandparents nostalgic for the beautiful, sumptuous tables, as well as everyone who likes to eat and drink well are all welcome here.

Chef's recommendations

  • Moscow olivier salad
  • Beetroot salad with Russian salted mushrooms
  • Valaam shchi (cabbage soup)
  • Pozharski chiсken rissoles, served with cauliflower puree, poached egg

Chef Bartender's recommendations

  • Forest Fizz
  • Kyoto
  • Dry Apricot
  • Hemingway Daiquiri
  • Cherry Garden

The address of the restaurant Matryoshka