Restaurant Birch

You can’t simply go to this restaurant that was opened by four chefs: the table should be reserved exactly 30 days before and there’s no guarantee of its availability. But there is a summertime life hack: between May and September, Birch opens a summer patio that accepts the guests on the first come, first served basis. Inside, you only get a choice of two tasting menus, with seven and eleven entries (I recommend the latter). There are almost no cocktails here, but the wine and hard liquor selection is extensive.

Chef's recommendations

  • Шеф-повар Арслан Бердиев рекомендует:
  • — дегустационный сет
  • — кукурузный хлеб
  • — крабовый биск, креветки и кокосовая эспума
  • — тартар из говядины, бриошь и чёрный трюфель
  • — телятина, сморчки и карамелизованный лук

Chef Bartender's recommendations

The address of the restaurant Birch