Restaurant Smoke BBQ

Moscow branch of the eponymous St. Petersburg establishment. Its cornerstone is Texas BBQ, whose rules were studied by chefs Alexey Burov and Alexey Kanevsky at Austin, TX. People who come to Smoke BBQ for the first time should zero in on the brisket that’s smoked in an elaborate smoker oven that was designed by Kanevsky himself. In the menu, it’s called “The One and Only Brisket” and it is served with excellent spicy cucumbers pickled in bourbon.

Chef's recommendations

  • Smokehouse seabass with sweet tomatoes
  • Rich broth pie with brisket
  • Pork rib
  • Sweet carrot pie with airy cream

Chef Bartender's recommendations

  • Flower gimlet
  • Seasonal Old Fashioned
  • Pumkin Espresso
  • Maple Old Fashioned

The address of the restaurant Smoke BBQ

The winner of the Award 2GIS 2023