
Art Nouveau, history, and a festive view of the Bolshoi Theater.

One of the most prominent hotels of Moscow and Russia as a whole. Built in the early 20th century on commission from philanthropist Savva Mamontov in place of the already existing eponymous hotel, it immediately shaped the image of Theater Driveway and Theater Square. From the moment it was built and to this very day this brilliant monument of the Art Nouveau period, the fruit of labors of architects Lev Kekushev and William Walcot, has been a point of attraction for all kinds of people: princes, artists, intelligentsia, businessmen, and everyone else who understood how lucky they were to end up in one of Moscow’s most important buildings — and not just that, but to see the sunrise from its rooms, take a swim in the local pool, and have a pancake breakfast in the famous hall with stained glass cupola.
If you decide to stay here, the historic rooms are the most interesting — and this should be discussed prior to the arrival, during the booking process. These rooms may not be as technologically advanced as the ones in the other part of the hotel, but you’ll be walking the historical parquet floors, there will be a mid-20th century Soviet still life with sword lilies over the bed, and an extravagantly large crystal chandelier will hang from the ceiling. And don’t forget to ask for a tour of the hotel’s opulent halls and secret corners —or even better, take one yourself, to get lost in the corridors and feel like a character of the Downtown Abbey.