Restaurant Niki

Contemporary Russian cuisine under the roof of Khudozhestvenny Cinema. The project’s brand chef Dan Miron created a menu full of nostalgia-driven dishes. Some of them he left as is, such as the absolutely genius pelmeni. Some were given a real shake and turned upside down: for example, the sea bass is cooked a-la Chicken Kyiv. Some were perfected, upping the level of their sophistication, such as the summer okroshka soup with light and dark kvass, or Pozharsky cutlet with ajika dip. In the summer, Niki offers patio sitting. The patio is an excellent location for drinking Russian rye wine or the a la Rus mixes from Maxim Gorelik’s cocktail menu – with sea buckthorn, fireweed, and other Central Russia flora.

Chef's recommendations

  • Voronezh beef tartar, black caviar
  • Pelmeni with baked potatoes, morels and truffle sauce
  • Pozharskaya veal cutlet, mashed potatoes, adjika
  • Tomato salad, Kamchatka crab
  • Chestnut honey cake, chamomile cream, persimmon

The address of the restaurant Niki