Restaurant Cast

A cinematic restaurant at the legendary Lenfilm Studio. In the 1970s, this exact same spot hosted the Aquarium restaurant, the gastronomic Mecca of the Soviet filmmakers, where Alexei German and Kira Muratova drank in celebration of their first masterpieces. The film studio’s archives preserved the references that inspired the Roobi Architectural Bureau to reconstruct the Modernist geometry and the union of polished wood with Murano glass. The new place is headed by Anna Kudinova (former director of Moscow’s KM20). The contemporary Middle Eastern cuisine is the purview of Mark Shakh Akabari, a busy chef with Iranian roots. And among the menu’s stars you will find an offbeat selection of Champagne wines from À la Volée (Russia’s premier Champagne distributor) and classic cocktails with some tribal notes.

The address of the restaurant Cast