Restaurant Re:Flør

An intimate wine bar from restaurateur Konstantin Samarin, who opened it behind his other establishment, Flør, at Chistoprudny Boulevard together with a group of architects from the neighboring Re architectural firm. Come here for the wine, cocktails, light appetizers from Timofey Sulima, who works with Samarin in his other projects, and a feeling that this is not a public catering establishment, but someone’s home and you are a guest: there are few people (and they all seem nice), lots of antique furniture, paintings, and the quiet of a green backyard.

Chef's recommendations

  • Bruschetta with prosciutto cotto, strachatella and truffle cream
  • Turkey with tonato sauce and capers
  • Brie with raspberry jam with orange

Chef Bartender's recommendations

  • Sher
  • Eglantier

The address of the restaurant Re:Flør