Restaurant Wine and Other Drugs

A multi-room wine bar at Komsomolsky Prospect that was opened by people who have a wealth of experience in the consumption of all kinds of drinks – the creators of The Jib Door, Pharmacie, and Narkomfin Collective. The new place is a take on the 19th century with its leisurely manners, beautiful details, and the antique apothecary counter bar that offers an especially good backdrop for drinking. It is a tribute to the times when people took pleasure in treating themselves with pharmaceutical infusions and potions, full of antique dishware on round wooden tables, and with almost 150 wine labels on the menu.
Additionally, the place offers a full selection of every imaginable bitter liquor, cocktails from different eras, and a taste of French cuisine in the form of escargot, pâté, onion soup, and other things of value. It’s an excellent choice for those who are desperate for new roles, decorations, and a glass or two for a nightcap.

The address of the restaurant Wine and Other Drugs

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